VBM Application Form

When applying for your business to be listed in our virtual mall, there’s important information that VBM needs to start the process. This will ensure that we get everything right and you get the best possible listing. 

You will need to complete the form below and submit that to VBM in order to commence with the process. Once we receive the form, we will be in touch with you directly to ensure that we provide you with exactly what you’re looking for.

The company overview will let the customer know exactly who the company is (for example, the history and purpose), and what the company does (the vision and objectives of the company). Include as much information as possible, as it will help the customer to understand and identify with the company.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
A hero image is the main image that the customer sees when they log into the website. Please provide me with 1 image that you would like to use on your website
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The product/service image is to provide the customer with a view of what exactly it is that your company will provide to them. Where possible, please provide a short (20 words max) description of the product/service (in the field below).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
A logo image is the image at the top of the website (usually next to the menu). This is the image that is the identity of the business (and website).
Select an option that best describes the industry that your business is in.
Please provide a link that directs the reader to your Facebook page.
Please provide a link that directs the reader to your LinkedIn page.
Please provide a link that directs the reader to your Twitter page.
Please provide a link that directs the reader to your Instagram page.
If you have any other Social Media links, please include these here.
Add any additional information that you deem important.
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